Dating. Yes. I do it. Well, I try to anyway. I do it online mostly. I go through periods of not doing it. But then I go online again and re-activate those accounts just to see what will happen, Lately, I've been lucky. Or so I think.
I have a profile on OKCupid. It's free. You can interact without paying for it. But for some features, you do have to pay. I'm also on I've been on Match off and on for years now. In fact, I originally created a profile back when it was called Love@AOL. That's right. Match used to be called Love@AOL. Way back when AOL was a thing.
A couple months ago I re-activated my dormant account. In the last few weeks, I've actually had a few interests. All within the SoCal area, which is a good thing. But two of them were a bit of a distance. Still, not so bad considering how many I've heard from in other parts of the country. One is in Long Beach, about 35 miles from me. I don't mind that. I've done shows in Long Beach. No biggie. Another in Palmdale, a lot further than 35 miles from me. When I asked him, he said it was only a 40 minute drive to Burbank airport so I thought that's great. I guess its not such a big deal to drive that distance. I've suggested several times that we meet. The last time I suggested a meet , he said after it stops raining? This has been going on for three weeks. It has yet to happen. I'll still hear from him after a few days and hear how handsome I am, blah blah blah. But no movement on his part yet. I directly ask "when can we meet?" Nothing.
Long Beach man is also very nice and texts me every couple of days. He falls asleep every night around 8. He works long hours. Weeknights are out as a result. By the time I got to him or vice versa, he'd be asleep. So I've tried on the weekends. He watches college basketball at the local pub with his friends. He goes into work. It's always something.
Both of these men are over 40. They're not kids. Why can't they commit? To a first date? What is it? They still seem interested. What is it? Its been three weeks for both of them. I guess I should be done.
Candidate Number 3 came along about 10 days ago. Sweet, handsome, 30. Yes, 30. He met me after one day of chatting. We met for coffee at 12 noon and sat there for over 4 hours. We held hands. We kissed...a little. Not much. It was sweet. He had to go to a family birthday dinner. He texted me an hour later. He texted me the next day to see how I was. And again the following day after I told him I had a headache the day before. (In fact I was prepping for a colonoscopy the next morning but didn't want to share that info with him just yet).
We had dinner a couple nights later. Again, a nice night. He told me he had found out he had six days to move out of his brother's place. So he had to go home and start packing and look for a place. He suggested dinner a bottle of wine and a movie at my place the next night. His idea. I texted him the next day to see if we were still on. No response. I texted two hours later that I hope everything is okay. No response. Its been two days. Nothing. 30 year olds!
I don't know which is worse. The older ones or the younger ones. Or it just me? Am I that vulnerable, that gullible? I do like to give people the benefit of the doubt. But I guess at this point, its time to cut my losses and move on.
There have been others who I have met in person. Ones that I've been smitten with. But its usually one of two things. They want the sex right away. Or they like me but don't want anything more than that. Twice I've gotten this line, "I'm trying to work on myself right now so I'm not ready to date just yet." Which, of course, gives me false hope. Thats right. I accept that they want to be friends. But when they say their not ready to date just now, I take that a face value and think to myself, "Soooo, there's hope!"
There's no hope. It's like Charlie Brown and that football. He knows that Lucy won't let him kick it, and yet there he is every year, going for that ball.
That's me with the online dating. No matter how many times I fail, I'm back for more. So come and come and get me. I dare ya!
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